a non-profit body positive project

To make the world a little brighter.

There are flowers in all shapes and colors and sizes. They all need different conditions to grow and evolve. Some prefer the sun, some rather grow in shadows.They all attract different beings, they all have their very own times to bloom. But they all have one thing in common: They are all considered as full-value flowers. They are beautiful. Even though they differ so much in so many ways. 


There are 7.5 Billion humans on this planet. We want that for them, too.




With their non-profit project “7.5 Billion Flowers” the two artist Raphaelle Roux & Sarah Nieves want to help people embracing themselves and internalize that our “normal”, in terms of body, mind and gender, is an illusion, formed by the media, filtered self-display, fairy tales & co. Just as flowers there are so many different people - and although flowers differ so greatly in color, form and size, in the end they all are valid and beautiful; Just as we people are.


The characters of #75BF are often inspired by real life people & friends. If you want to be part of the project and help us you can post your story in our body positive Facebook group

To reach people who are in need, they send their work as prints to hospitals, therapists, communities, mental institutions & more completely free.

There soon will be further information for this.

Partner & Allies

Main Sponsor:
St. Anne Stiftung 



Other Sponsors, Allies & Friends:

ITEM SHOP | Q. Kju_Point




Wanna become a sponsor or partner? Write us at 7.5billionflowers[at]gmail.com!


"7.5 Billion Flowers;" is a complete non profit project. We're financed completely by our own money, sponsors and donation. If you want to contribute to the project look at the informations below. Every little amount helps us to make this project bigger and motivates us greatly! 

Contribution Possibilities


paypal.me/75billionflowers OR 7.5billionflowers[at]gmail.com


Direct Transfer

Kontoinhaber: St. Anne Stiftung, 7.5 Billion Flowers

IBAN DE56 7525 0000 0021 3950 66

Sparkasse Amberg-Sulzbach



You can also donate hard cash at our exhibitions and the ITEM SHOP in Munich!


Tell us your story

You can either write us directly at our contact form or - better! - tell us about yourself in our 75BF group on facebook!


Help us out!

We can always make good use of helping hands of people with their hearts on the right place! If you have an idea of what you can help us with, shoot us a message a 7.5billionflowers[at]gmail.com!